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App Sizer CLI

App Sizer provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) to cater to non-Gradle build systems, offering the same comprehensive features as the Gradle plugin.

Getting Started

  1. Download our Latest Release from GitHub (support Java 11+)

  2. Create your config file following this template.

  3. Run the analysis using the command line tool:

    java -jar cli-all.jar --config-file ./path/to/config/your-config-file.yml

Note, by any reason the download Jar does not work. You could check out the repo and generate the command line binary file

./gradlew cli:shadowJar


The App Sizer CLI accepts a YAML file as configuration (template). The file consists of three main blocks:

  # Configure the input for the project
  # APK Generation configuration
  # Output Configuration

Project Input

Property Description
libraries-directory Path to all SDK & library binaries that your project depends on. In Gradle, you can save all dependencies in a folder by setting a new Gradle home path for your build with the -g option. Example: ./gradlew assembleRelease -g ./new-gradle. Then all dependency binaries will be saved to ./new-gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1
modules-directory Path to all of your modules' AAR & Jar files. In Gradle, you can run assembleDebug in the project root folder to build all AAR/Jar files, then set the root folder for this property
modules-dir-is-project-root Boolean value. Enable this flag if you set the root project as the modules-directory to optimize performance
r8-mapping-file Path to the R8 mapping file if you enable R8 for your build
owner-mapping-file Path to YAML file mapping project modules to team owners
version Your app version
large-file-threshold File size threshold (in bytes) for considering a file as large
project-name Project name

And example of owner-mapping-file:

  - app
  - android-module-level1
  - kotlin-module
  - sample-group:android-module-level2

APK Generation

Property Description
bundle-tool Path to the bundletool JAR file
app-bundle-file Path to the app bundle file (aab)
device-specs List of device specification files for APK generation
key-signing Key signing information

Output Configuration

Property Description
output-directory Directory to save markdown and JSON reports
custom-attributes Map of additional attributes to include in every report row
influx-db-config InfluxDB configuration (see below)

InfluxDB Configuration

Property Description
url URL of the InfluxDB server
db-name Name of the InfluxDB database
report-table-name Measurement name for storing report data
username InfluxDB username (optional)
password InfluxDB password (optional)
retention-policy InfluxDB retention policy configuration (optional)

Full Configuration Example

  libraries-directory: "./build/gradle-cache/caches/modules-2/files-2.1"
  modules-directory: "./"
  modules-dir-is-project-root: true
  r8-mapping-file: "./app/build/outputs/mapping/proDebug/mapping.txt"
  owner-mapping-file: "./module-owner.yml"
  version: "1.0.1"
  large-file-threshold: 10
  project-name: "sample"
  bundle-tool: "./binary/bundletool-all-1.15.4.jar"
  app-bundle-file: "./app/build/outputs/bundle/proDebug/sample-bundle-file-pro-debug.aab"
    - "./app-size-config/device-1.json"
    - "./app-size-config/device-2.json"
    keystore-file: "./buildsystem/sample-release.keystore"
    keystore-pw: "12345678"
    key-alias: "key0"
    key-pw: "12345678"
  output-directory: "./build/app-sizer"
    pipelineId: "100"
    db-name: "sizer"
    url: "http://localhost:8086"
    username: "root"
    password: "root"
    report-table-name: "app_size"
      name: "app_sizer"
      duration: "360d"
      shard-duration: "0m"
      replication-factor: 2
      is-default: true
