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Grazel Extension

Grazel aims to infer most of the project data from Gradle and ships with sensible defaults for migration. However it is also configurable via Gradle extensions based on project needs.

Configuring Grazel Extension

Use the registered grazel extension block in root build.gradle to configure Grazel

grazel {
    // Configuration

Android Extension

Configures options for Android targets

grazel {
    android {
        dexShards = 10 // Controls android_binary's dex_shards property 
        multiDexEnabled = true // default `true`
        variantFilter { variant -> 
            variant.setIgnore( != "debug" && != "flavor1Debug")
        features {
            dataBinding = true

Variant Filter

Currently Grazel supports migrating only one variant. variantFilter {} can be used to specify the variants that should be excluded. In case the variant filter is not supplied or filter allows more than one variant, Grazel will still generate a single Bazel target by merging all the source sets in which case build might fail with duplicate classes error.


By default, all modules that use databinding are excluded from migration since Bazel's Android databinding support is an ongoing effort, especially for Kotlin. Setting dataBinding to true will migrate the project using Grab's custom macro. See databinding for more info.


Grazel uses Gradle's dependencies resolution data to generate Bazel dependencies information. This block can be used to control how dependencies are read or override Gradle information in generated code.

grazel {
    dependencies {

Override versions

Grazel will use the provided artifact version instead of using Gradle data.

grazel {
    dependencies {


Here even though Gradle uses androidx.preference:preference:1.1.1, due to overrideArtifactVersions the generated maven_install rule will contain version 1.1.0.

Ignore artifacts

Bazel's rules_jvm_external does not support all of Gradle's supported repositories such as AWS or private Maven repositories with auth headers. ignoreArtifacts can be used to exclude certain dependencies from migration. Alternately for dependencies that can not be fetched from maven, override targets can be used to point to a local target. See override_targets for more details.


Any module that uses any of the ignored artifacts will be excluded from migration to not fail the build during dependency resolution by maven_install rule.


Rules block can be used to configure various rules that are used by Grazel in generated scripts.

grazel {
    rules {
        // Rules configuration.

Bazel Common

Grazel uses Grab Bazel Common to implement Gradle features in Bazel that are not readily available in Bazel. For example, build config fields or res values.

grazel {
    rules {
        bazelCommon {
            gitRepository {
                commit = "f74ef90479383a38cef1af33d28a3253031e00c1" // Commit hash
                remote = ""

gitRepository or httpRepository can be used to configure the WORKPSACE repository target that will be generated.


For example, the above configuration will generate the following.

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")

    name = "grab_bazel_common",
    commit = "f74ef90479383a38cef1af33d28a3253031e00c1",
    remote = "",


Configure options for rules_kotlin.

rules {
    kotlin {
        // WORKSPACE 
        gitRepository {
            commit = "eae21653baad4b403fee9e8a706c9d4fbd0c27c6"
            remote = ""
        // WORKSPACE
        compiler {
            version = "1.4.20"
            sha = "46720991a716e90bfc0cf3f2c81b2bd735c14f4ea6a5064c488e04fd76e6b6c7"
        kotlinC {
            useIr = false
        toolchain {
            enabled = true
            apiVersion = "1.4"
            reportUnusedDeps = "off"
            strictKotlinDeps = "off"
            abiJars = true
            multiplexWorkers = true
            languageVersion = "1.4"
            jvmTarget = "1.8"

Maven Install

Grazel uses official rules_jvm_external to resolve maven dependencies. Maven install extension is used to configure options for maven_install rule.

grazel {
    rules {
        mavenInstall {
            httpArchiveRepository {
                sha256 = "f36441aa876c4f6427bfb2d1f2d723b48e9d930b62662bf723ddfb8fc80f0140"
                stripPrefix = "rules_jvm_external-4.1"
                url = ""
            resolveTimeout = 1000 //
            artifactPinning {
                    ["androidx.appcompat:appcompat": "@//third_party:androidx_appcompat_appcompat"]

Exclude artifacts

Control globally excluded artifacts as specified here. This can be used to filter out unsupported dependencies or dependencies that have issues resolving with mavenInstall. This does not affect a module's migration criteria.

Override targets

Override targets can be used to point to a local target instead of one present in Maven. Reference.

grazel {
    rules {
        mavenInstall {
                    ["androidx.appcompat:appcompat": "@//third_party:androidx_appcompat_appcompat"]

Artifact pinning

Grazel by default enabled rules_jvm_externals artifact pinning. It automatically managed pinning/repinning and is integrated with migrateToBazel command. If any changes are present in Gradle, running migrateToBazel would automatically update the maven_install.json file.


Jetifier is automatically detected by looking for presence of android.enableJetifier in

Configure options for Jetifier.

  • jetifyIncludeList - Configure artifacts that should be included for Jetification.
  • jetifyExcludeList - Configure artifacts that should be excluded from Jetification.

With these options, Grazel generates jetify_include_list as specified here with the formula jetify_include_list = (allArtifacts + jetifyIncludeList) - jetifyExcludeList